Friday, 27 December 2013

ATU Reporter Part 1

what details can we get from this Reports ?

For each execution of a TestNG script the following things are generated in the form of HTML pages

* An Index page -  A Start Page, you can set any Description in this page

A Consolidated Report Page - Displays all the Runs in the form of Line and Bar Charts

A Current Run Report Page - For each run, The Current Run page shows the number of Test cases executed in a tabular format along with the Iteration details, a Summary section and a Pie Chart

A Test Case Report Page - This Page gives the information about a Test Case with detailed steps in a tabular format along with the screenshot, a Summary section, Execution Platform details, Author Details and provides information about Failure / Skipped / Parameters

For generating this Graphs we have used JQuery, CSS, HTML and jqPlot charting library.

* An Index page

A Consolidated Report Page

A Current Run Report Page

A Test Case Report Page

Go To: ATU Reporter Part 2  - Contains Details regarding The usage along with Examples


  1. How to show verification values on the scripts like expected and actual if fails??

  2. In the Consolidated Report Page, the line report and bar reports are messed up with testcases which are in y-axis , if we have more than 30 test cases executed in single run.

  3. no option to mark a particular step pass/fail

    1. As mentioned in the ATU Reporter Part 3 post. This feature will be supported from version 5.x onwards.


  4. for 1 set of data, 5 Run links getting displayed in the left menu. upon clicking on links 1-4 getting page not found error message .. only one link Run5 opens up run details

    1. As described in the blog - declare the listeners only once.

      Perhaps you might want to check your script to see if the listeners are annotated in more than one class.


  5. Try to put java file in the package otherwise it will not create "Test Case Report Page"

    1. Srikanth,

      your finding is valid !!

      please log it in the below page.


  6. i have used this reporting which are running perfectly,, problem is that am running 150+ test cases,, the section of line chart and bar chart will not show graph properly

    1. i mean y-axis,, all the test case number from 1-150 will be overlapped

    2. Hi Rakesh,

      Thank you for the feedback. Log the issue in the below page so that we can keep track of open issues.


    3. i am facing the same problem

    4. This issue is fixed in 5.5 version. We will upload the latest version once the development work is done.


  7. Hi ATU,

    I am using 5.1.1 version of ATU reporter, for me screenshot is not working in this condition ATUReports.add("Fail step", LogAs.FAILED, new CaptureScreen(
    but working fine for this step
    ATUReports.add("Fail step", LogAs.FAILED, new CaptureScreen(

    problem is BROWSER_PAGE is not working to take screenshot

    1. Hi ATU,

      Any updates on this.

    2. It is working fine after proper configuration.

  8. Sorry, it is working after proper configuration setup.

    1. What kind of configuration changes you made to fix this? Please help on it.

  9. Hi,
    I am running my test from jenkins through Sauce labs in remote machine. ATU reports are getting generated properly.
    But Test case report page displays Execution platform details as the details of Jenkins server, Not actual sauce remote machine details.
    Is there any configuration i need to do?

  10. Hi,

    How to configure these reports in my project , can you please help me on this.
    I need to get these reports in my project so i have added the jar files in my class path.
    ATUReporter_Selenium_testNG_5.5_BETA and ATUTestRecorder_2.1 2 jars i have added.there one property file i have not added were to add that property file.
    can you please help me on this.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I need only one RUN in report for one execution. no need of displaying previous runs in the report. what I need to do? single run is enough for me.what to do?

  13. But not showing the total test cases in the current Run and if all test cases are passed still showing 0tc(For Failed) and 0tc(For Skipped),which is making confusing the clients/management (who see this report for the first time.)

    Really we dont require previous reports.So, Please make the Current Run Very Much Informative like how many cases executed in the current run.

    This ATU Reports,In which the bar graph showing for the Test Present and Past 10 Runs is awesome. Please fix this soon and the Consolidated Reports text overlapping in the Eclipse Browser...

    1. Please provide some sample code to generate the reports, and also for excel generate reports, how mention the code to keep true.

      Please really it is very confusing so put sample code for the declaration of Project Description and Project Logo...... tried as mentioned in one of the ATU article but throwing errors.

      #change results directory
      atu.reports.dir=D:/ATU Reporter

      #change header text
      atu.proj.header.text=My Proj Reports

      #add project/client logo, the image is copied to "HTML_Design_Files/IMG" directory

      #specify your project description
      atu.proj.description=MyProject Testing Reports

  14. Hi There,
    I need the report to be shown for each test case like screenshot 5.How could i do that? and these days i am not getting the screenshots for failed testcases..

    Please help me ...

  15. Hi, can you please add your jar files to a central maven repo and provide the dependency script in this page? This will be really useful.

  16. Will it support for JUnit based framework???

  17. report folder is not created in specified path. how to check that

  18. report folder is not created in specified path. how to check that

  19. Hi, I need a sample steps, How to use this reports in your Testcase

  20. How to set the report directory dynamically. I want to save the report in the project folder

  21. I could not capture screen in ATU reporter

    ATUReports.add("Step 1","Nothing", "Before test run", "Before test have to be run",LogAs.FAILED, new CaptureScreen(ScreenshotOf.DESKTOP));
    ATUReports.setAuthorInfo("Sourabh Chakroborty", new SimpleDateFormat("MM_dd_y_hhmmssa").format(new Date()), "1.0");

  22. i am getting NULL pointer exception on below line:
    System.setProperty("atu.reporter.config", System.getProperty("user.dir")+"\\src\\");

  23. Please let me know whether we can configure ATU UI Reporting tool in Mac; because when I tried to execute the code in Mac, I could see below error message:

    [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (default-test) on project Framework: Execution default-test of goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test failed: There was an error in the forked process
    [ERROR] java.lang.IllegalStateException: [ATU Custom Reporter Exception] The Path for the Custom Properties file could not be found
    [ERROR] at atu.testng.reports.listeners.ATUReportsListener.onStart(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at org.testng.SuiteRunner.invokeListeners(
    [ERROR] at
    [ERROR] at org.testng.SuiteRunnerWorker.runSuite(
    [ERROR] at
    [ERROR] at org.testng.TestNG.runSuitesSequentially(
    [ERROR] at org.testng.TestNG.runSuitesLocally(
    [ERROR] at
    [ERROR] at
    [ERROR] at org.apache.maven.surefire.testng.TestNGXmlTestSuite.execute(
    [ERROR] at org.apache.maven.surefire.testng.TestNGProvider.invoke(
    [ERROR] at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.invokeProviderInSameClassLoader(
    [ERROR] at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.runSuitesInProcess(
    [ERROR] at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.main(
    [ERROR] Caused by: [ATU Custom Reporter Exception] The Path for the Custom Properties file could not be found
    [ERROR] at atu.testng.reports.utils.Directory.init(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] at atu.testng.reports.utils.Directory.verifyRequiredFiles(Unknown Source)
    [ERROR] ... 14 more
    [ERROR] -> [Help 1]
    [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
    [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
    [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:

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