Hi There,
Finally here comes a project built using Java along with Native Code that can handle Windows Dialogs.
The following can be automated using Selenium - Java, on major browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome.
This Post is organized into following parts:
Go To: Handling Windows Dialogs Using Selenium Part 1 - Contains Details regarding Registering the DLL
Go To: Handling Windows Dialogs Using Selenium Part 2 - Contains Details regarding The usage along with Examples
Go To: Handling Windows Dialogs Using Selenium Part 3 - Contains Details regarding Upcoming Releases and Features
Go To: Handling Windows Dialogs Using Selenium Part 4 - Contains Details regarding API Methods
Current Version: 3.0
Download ATU Selenium Utilities - Windows Handler (included from version2 onwards)
Download JACOB
Download UISpy
Feedback page : ATU Utilities User Feedback
We love Automation; we love to keep its utilities Open Source.
– Automation Testing Utilities
Finally here comes a project built using Java along with Native Code that can handle Windows Dialogs.
The following can be automated using Selenium - Java, on major browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome.
- Downloading Files
- Uploading Files
- Windows Authentications
- Error Recovery scenarios
This Post is organized into following parts:
Go To: Handling Windows Dialogs Using Selenium Part 1 - Contains Details regarding Registering the DLL
Go To: Handling Windows Dialogs Using Selenium Part 2 - Contains Details regarding The usage along with Examples
Go To: Handling Windows Dialogs Using Selenium Part 3 - Contains Details regarding Upcoming Releases and Features
Go To: Handling Windows Dialogs Using Selenium Part 4 - Contains Details regarding API Methods
Current Version: 3.0
Download ATU Selenium Utilities - Windows Handler (included from version2 onwards)
Download JACOB
Download UISpy
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Give our tools a Feedback:
We are constantly working on several projects, we would like to have a feedback on all the tools so that we can prioritize, introduce new features, enhancing them etc. This will also help us in understanding the usage of these tools and lift us to develop further more utilities.Feedback page : ATU Utilities User Feedback
We love Automation; we love to keep its utilities Open Source.
– Automation Testing Utilities
Thank you so much for the help.Yes, I have started working on webDriver as someone has suggested the same as you did.
ReplyDeletewelcome :)
DeleteYou have provided really required information.
DeleteAnd I have done a search for almost long time and found the below site as well along with your.
The below website has also provided a framework structure, folder representation and steps to follow to design and implement a framework
Hi All,
ReplyDeleteI am getting the below exception:[ATU Windows Handler Framework Exception] Please Register the ATU_WindowsHandler.dll with your system. Refer to http://automationtestingutilities.blogspot.in/ for instructions
at atu.utils.windows.handler.WindowHandler.(WindowHandler.java:25)
at WinHandle.testRUN(WinHandle.java:9)
at WinHandle.main(WinHandle.java:21)
Frome where i can get the ATU_WindowHandle.dll file
Hi Panikera,
DeleteI have added the download links for the dll at the bottom of page. After downloading register the dll as explained in the post. Make sure that you have .NET v4 Installed for registering the dll.
Automation Tester
Hi Automation team,
ReplyDeleteI copied the ATU_WindowHandle.dll in local directory and i run the below command
E:\>C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\regasm.exe ATU_WindowsHandler
dll /codebase
And i am getting below exception: Microsoft (R) .NET Framework Assembly Registration Utility 4.0.30319.1
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1998-2004. All rights reserved.
RegAsm : error RA0000 : Could not load file or assembly 'file:///E:\ATU_Windows
andler.dll' or one of its dependencies. Operation is not supported. (Exception
rom HRESULT: 0x80131515)
sujjest me on this
Hi Panikera,
DeleteCan you recheck the command you are using to register. As per the error, it appears that the regasm utility is unable to locate the dll in E drive. Consider changing the cmg dir. Or just let me know in which drive the dll is present I would give you cmd accordingly.
Hi Automation Tester,
DeleteI actually only have one drive so I put the ATU_WindowsHandler.dll into the C drive. I run CMD and change my Directory to C and then and this command:
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\regasm ATU_WindowsHandler.dll /codebase
I am getting RegAsm: error RA0000: unable to locate input assembly 'ATU_WindowsHandler.dll/codebase' or one of its dependencies.
Hi Mediha Aziz,
DeleteJust a small modification for your command.
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\regasm C:\ATU_WindowsHandler.dll /codebase
This should register the DLL.
DeleteI have tried like above but still getting the same error.
RegAsm : error RA0000 : Unable to locate input assembly 'C:/ATU_WindowsHandler.d
ll/codebase' or one of its dependencies.
DeletePlease go through the part 1 for registering the dll. Kindly follow the complete post to resolve the issue.
Hi Automation Tester,
ReplyDeleteI am experiencing small problem with jacod.dll . I have tried setting both jacob-1.17-x64.dll & jacob-1.17-x86.dll into the windows environment variables but i am getting this error message
"Exception in thread "main" [ATU Windows Handler Framework Exception] Please add the jacob-(version-bit-type).dll file to the System path
at atu.utils.windows.handler.WindowHandler.(WindowHandler.java:22)
at test.main(test.java:12)" .
I am using windows 64 bit with java 1.6 32bit ,using Eclipse Kepler and i have ATU_WindowsHandler.dll successfully registered. Any advice would be appreciated.
Hi Mike,
DeleteCould you try placing the jacob dll in the root directory of your eclipse project. This is how I have been working out so far or alternative is to set in env, since you are facing issues also you can try loading the library using System class.
You could also try the following..
DeletePlace the jacob-(version-bit-type).dll file in your project Root Directory.
Place it in any directory and use the below code to load the DLL file.
System.setProperty("jacob.dll.path", "D:\\jacob-1.17-M2-x86.dll");
It worked for me...
DeleteI am using 64bit windows 7 with java 1.7
Few points I noticed
1. Need to start "cmd" as Administrator
2. Use "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\regasm.exe ATU_WindowsHandler.dll"
Notice that the path should have "Framework64" for 64 bit .Net reference where as "Framework" for 32 bit.
3. Should use "jacob-1.17-x64.dll" for 64bit
4. Add "jacob,jar" as well as "ATU_Selenium_Utilities_2.0.jar" to buildpath
Rest of the steps are as instructed by the "Automation Tester" above
@Automation Tester : Thanks for sharing such ideas
Hi ,
ReplyDeleteCan you please tell me how to write code for fileupload in c#.I am unable to find WindowElement in c#.Please help me
Hi Nagarjuna,
ReplyDeletefor Selenium C#, do the following.
Download the DLL file from the Given link in the post
Add the DLL to your project reference
Use the Class named "WindowsHandler" that has all the required methods
Namespace is "ATUFramework"
Example code in C#:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using ATUFramework;
using System.Windows.Automation;
namespace SampleConsoleApp
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
WindowsHandler handler = new WindowsHandler();
AutomationElement chromeElement = handler.FindWindowByName("Apache Tomcat/7.0.42 - Google Chrome");
AutomationElement saveAsElement = handler.GetElementByName(chromeElement, "Authentication Required");
//further code goes...
Automation Tester
ReplyDeleteI am getting below error.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: m_pDispatch
at com.jacob.com.Dispatch.createInstanceNative(Native Method)
at com.jacob.com.Dispatch.(Dispatch.java:99)
at com.jacob.activeX.ActiveXComponent.(ActiveXComponent.java:58)
at atu.utils.windows.handler.WindowHandlerWrapper.(WindowHandlerWrapper.java:19)
at atu.utils.windows.handler.WindowHandler.(WindowHandler.java:20)
at test.windowshandler.WindowsHandlerTest.testRUN(WindowsHandlerTest.java:126)
at test.windowshandler.WindowsHandlerTest.main(WindowsHandlerTest.java:48)
Mine is windows7(64bit) machine.
Could you please help me.
Hi Syam,
ReplyDeleteare you using Jacob 32 bit or 64 bit dll file for your project ?
64 bit dll only.
Deletewhile registering the dll.. Have you used the RegAsm.exe from 64bit folder of the .Net Framework? as shown below
once the registration is done, then you can use it.
ReplyDeleteI am also getting the below error when registering dll. Dll is present in C drive
C:\>C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\regasm ATU_WindowsHandler.dll
Microsoft (R) .NET Framework Assembly Registration Utility 4.0.30319.1
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1998-2004. All rights reserved.
RegAsm : error RA0000 : Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\ATU_WindowsH
andler.dll' or one of its dependencies. Operation is not supported. (Exception f
rom HRESULT: 0x80131515)
your help will be appreciated.
DeleteUse the below command.
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\regasm C:\ATU_WindowsHandler.dll /codebase
This should register the DLL.
I have already tried that by seeing your one of the reply.
DeleteTried again but no success again.
DeleteFollow this steps
1) open cmd and type "cd C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319" and hit enter, this will change the directory in cmd
2) now type "RegAsm.exe C:\ATU_WindowsHandler.dll /codebase" and hit enter
this will register the dll
It seems some other problem.
DeleteSame error again.
Hi Abdul Qadir,
ReplyDeleteOpen the command prompt as a administrator and than try to execute the command than you won't get the error.
Hi Syam,
DeleteStill facing same error.
The above command should work
DeleteAnother way doing this is
1. Copy ATU_WindowsHandler.dll to .net framework directory
2. Execute from cmd "RegAsm ATU_WindowsHandler.dll /codebase"
All commands that you have provided are syntactically correct. But I dont know why it's not working for me.
DeleteAnyways thanks for the help.
Hi Abdul,
DeleteThe command you are using for registering is correct. The issue is related to security concerns.
to resolve this try this approach: after downloading the ATU WindowsHandler dll zip file.
>right click on the zip file
>click on properties
>and then click on the "Unblock" button.
>then click on "Apply" button
>Click ok
>extract the zip file
> register using the command
Hope this works for you :)
Thanks a lot. It solved the problem.
DeleteLooking forward to many more utilities.
That is great :)
DeletePlease make the DLL as downloadable.
ReplyDeleteplease provide access to DLL
DeleteThe download links are perfectly working. once you click the link you will be redirected to google drive, from this page, under file menu you have download option.
Hey i am working on testing automation of an app Using java. i am having issues regarding the atu library. help me out.
DeletePut your issues here.
Hi, I am trying to download the window handler dll from Google Drive, but get the following error:
ReplyDelete"Sorry, the owner hasn't given you permission to download this file.
Only the owner and editors can download this file. If you'd like to download it, please contact the owner."
Please contact me regarding this issue!
Thanks, Nathan
Hi Nathan,
Deleteyou can download it now :)
When running Selenium exception shows - Please register the ATU_WindowsHandler.dll even when registered the dll succussfully. Please help
ReplyDeleteAre you working on a 64bit OS?
DeleteHi AT,
DeleteYes it is 64 bit OS. Using jacob-1.17-x64 in the system porperty and added the jacob.exe to the build path. Using ATU_WindowsHandler.dll to register and added ATU_Selenium_Utilities_2.0 to the build path.
But when i run the Selenium test shows that ATU_WindowsHandler.dll is not registered even though in administrator cmd window it shows successfully registered. Please help me.
Sorry for posting it twice.
DeleteWat about the java version and architecture?
Hi All,
DeleteUse jdk 1.6. It works perfect.
The current version of Jacob library has got some problems with jdk 1.7 .
Hi AT,
ReplyDeleteHow can we handle this on linux environment.Thanls in advance!!
Hi Aman,
DeleteThis release is targeted to supported only in Windows Environment.
Hi AT,
ReplyDeleteI have an issue with IE browser. When i open dialog in the browser and try to execute the code. It's is working perfectly. But when i integrate the same code to the framework. It's not happening. Is the any wait we need to introduce in between opening the dialog and entering file path? i am using c# and here is the code enter file path.
WindowsHandler handler = new WindowsHandler();
AutomationElement runWindowElement = handler.FindWindowByName(browserTitle);
AutomationElement textBoxElement = handler.GetElementByNameAndClassName(runWindowElement, "File name:", "Edit");
handler.SendTextUsingUIAutomation(textBoxElement, filePath);
AutomationElement openButton = handler.GetElementByNameAndClassName(runWindowElement, "Open", "Button");
catch (Exception)
return true;
catch (Exception)
return false;
Hi Sandeep,
DeleteThe scenario which you are facing is explained below.
When a native dialog say upload dialog appears, the webdriver does not proceed to next step unless the dialog is closed, which means the next step for entering upload action does not execute.
However you can still overcome this challenge by implementing threads - A java implementation is given in the blog, you can implement in C# in similar fashion.
Please find the below link for selenium automation examples and tutorials.
Hi AT,
ReplyDeleteI still get the following error even after trying all the solutions you provided above
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: m_pDispatch
at com.jacob.com.Dispatch.createInstanceNative(Native Method)
at com.jacob.com.Dispatch.(Dispatch.java:101)
at com.jacob.activeX.ActiveXComponent.(ActiveXComponent.java:58)
at atu.utils.windows.handler.WindowHandlerWrapper.(WindowHandlerWrapper.java:22)
at atu.utils.windows.handler.WindowHandler.(WindowHandler.java:19)
at com.automation.methods.AUT.testUploadFileFirefox(AUT.java:27)
at com.automation.methods.AUT.main(AUT.java:15)
Please help
Hi AT,
DeleteAfter looking at the post http://craftingjava.blogspot.in/2012/08/javalangnosuchfielderror_9430.html it worked fine. I replaced jacob-1.14.3.jar file with jacob.jar file.
Hi AT,
DeleteThis is excellent work, this has increased my scope of testing.
Great Job!!!..
Delighted, Thank you !!
Can u please send me the dependencies to ATU jar files for maven POM.xml
ReplyDeleteExcellent job!
Can we have a version which works on Linux also?
We appreciate your response. Currently we do not have one that works on linux, we shall post it if it can be possible !
I did a version in JS which is working fuly inside the browsers, so its working onWin/Mac/Linux with IE/FF/Safari/Chrome/Phantomjs...
DeleteSee https://github.com/rac2030/SeleniumDownloadHelper
How to put the ATU jars as a dependency in Maven projects.
ReplyDeletedid u get any info regarding ATU jars dependency in Maven projects.if you plaese share me other wise tellme is there any alternate solution for that one
DeleteCan u please send me the dependencies to ATU jar files for maven POM.xml
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ReplyDeleteCan you suggest me a website who deals in web automation tools?
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